
Day Content Lecture
Friday, June 24 Motivation, logic, elementary set theory. Lecture 01
Saturday, June 25 Cartesian products, power set, functions, cardinality. Lecture 02
Monday, June 27 More cardinality, relations, quotient sets. Lecture 03
Wednesday, June 29 The axiom of choice, product sets, well-ordering. Lecture 04
Thursday, June 30 Metric spaces, sequences, open and closed sets. Lecture 05
Friday, July 1 Subspaces, continuity, and the metric topology. Lecture 06
Monday, July 4 No class.  
Wednesday, July 6 Catching up and review.  
Thursday, July 7 The metric topology, completeness, compactness. Lecture 07
Friday, July 8 Heine-Borel and Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorems. Lecture 08
Monday, July 11 Equivalence of compactness. Lecture 09
Wednesday, July 13 Topological spaces, Hausdorff, generated topology. Lecture 10
Thursday, July 14 Subbases and bases. Lecture 11
Friday, July 15 Closure, interior, boundary, convergence, continuity. Lecture 12
Monday, July 18 First and second countable, separable. Lecture 13
Wednesday, July 20 Homeomorphisms, open and closed maps, subspaces. Lecture 14
Thursday, July 21 Quotient spaces. Lecture 15
Friday, July 22 Arts and crafts. Animation
Monday, July 25 Product spaces, the box topology. Lecture 16
Wednesday, July 27 The order topology, orderable spaces. Lecture 17
Thursday, July 28 Regular and normal spaces. Lecture 18
Friday, July 29 Urysohn’s Lemma, Urysohn’s metrization theorem. Lecture 19
Monday, August 1 Connectedness, path-connectedness. Lecture 20
Wednesday, August 3 Locally connected, locally path-connected. Lecture 21
Thursday, August 4 Compactness, sequential compactness. Lecture 22
Friday, August 5 Countably compact, limit point compact, Lindelof. Lecture 23
Monday, August 8 Locally compact, paracompact, Stone’s theorem. Lecture 24
Wednesday, August 10 Partitions of unity. Lecture 25
Thursday, August 11 Metrization theorems. Lecture 26
Friday, August 12 Alexander’s subbasis theorem, Tychonoff’s theorem. Lecture 27
Monday, August 15 Compactifications, completely metrizable spaces. Lecture 28
Wednesday, August 17 Locally Euclidean spaces. Lecture 29
Thursday, August 18 Manifolds. Lecture 30
Friday, August 19 The topology of manifolds. Lecture 31
Monday, August 22 Covering spaces, the hyperbolic plane.  
Wednesday, August 24 Classification of surfaces.  
Thursday, August 25 (Optional) Review for final.