
Major Projects


libtmpl, the mathematicians programming library, is, among other things, a full implementation of libm, the C standard library for mathematical functions, and complex routines. These are the functions provided in math.h and complex.h. It does this in a highly portable manner that does not use any external libraries, and is compatible with C89, C99, C11, and C18 compilers. In addition to this it contains a plethora of routines mathematicians and physicists may enjoy. This includes Fourier analysis and FFTs, vector geometry, fresnel optics, knot theory, and more. It is still a work in progress, but already contains over 160,000 lines of code.


Mathematics-and-Physics contains all of my notes on mathematics and physics, written in LaTeX. It also contains the code for several hundred figures, written mostly in asymptote, but also in tikz and a few in POV-Ray.


A suite of code for processing the radio science data from the Cassini mission. Written in collaboration with Richard French, Jolene Fong, Glenn Steranka, and Sophia Flury at Wellesley college.

Minor Projects

Barnsley Fern: Renders the Barnsley fern fractal.
Complex Visual Plots: Creates plots of complex-valued functions.
Mandelbrot Set: Creates the Mandelbrot set and variants.
Metric Space Disks: Draws the unit disk of various metrics in the plane.
Newton Fractals: Generates Newton fractals in the plane and on the sphere.
Newtonian Black Holes Raytraces light with gravity using Newtonian mechanics.
Perfectly Normal Spaces: Depicts the separating functions for perfectly normal spaces.
Random Walks: Draws random walks on two dimensional manifolds.